creator cover fed0t


I draw stuff

About the creator

I draw various stuff: mechs, monsters, characters, sometimes animals and sometimes more abstract or surreal things.
Just a Battletech doodle
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It ain't much, but it's honest support.
WH40K fanart WIP
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It ain't much, but it's honest support.
I used to hate the Legionnaire when it came out. But over the years its somehow grown one me.

Old WH40K fanart

Sorry, could not make any new content this month, a lot of stuff going on in my life. So how about something old, that I haven't posted yet?
Unfinished WH40K fanart from 2018, based on my friend suggestion "Night Lord psyker with a scythe".
I was going for a nightmare-illusion based abilities, similar to what Sarpedon from Soul Drinkers has.
2021 iteration and couple of initial sketches back from 2018.
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Now we are talking! Such a cool mech!
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A shame the Ti T'sang didn't satisfy.  What you have up here looks really good.  BattleMechs with hatchets don't get enough attention.
Lucen Dacier, yeah, that happens. At least it was good enough for me to save it. It could be a good foundation for a next attempt in future. A lot of times I just completely erase failed ones.
And there definitely would be melee mechs in my art.
As always really cool BT art!
Bolththrower, Thanks!
That is a lot of missile tubes.  Is that the AKU-2X?
Lucen Dacier, Indeed.
Sentry SNT-04 redesign - Battletech Fan Art
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It ain't much, but it's honest support.

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