creator cover Eternal Time Team

Eternal Time Team

Multiplayer animal game, Impressive Title server
Eternal Time Team
6 of 50 paid subscribers
Current big goal: 50 paid subscribers! The more people there are, the more time the Eternal Time team will be able to devote to development.
67.75 of $ 1 256 money raised
If you want to help the project one time - you can just pay here. Also currently we spent money on ET's own soundtrack! 1$ ~= 80 ₽

About the creator

[EN] Eternal Time is an Online RPG on godot inspired by Impressive Title. For now our task is to recreate and multiply what we did in the old version of the project on Ogre3d.
A huge number of new features (such as homeownership, non-taggered combat system, books) are planned by our team and that's why we need your support!
Dear english-speaking player!
Don't be frightened, it's a support platform "Boosty". It is similar to Patreon, but all in rubles. To change the language to English, click on the "Ru" icon in the upper right corner. You can pay with PayPal.
At the moment, unfortunately, this is the only way to support the Eternal Time project.
WARNING: The ruble exchange rate is not very stable and can fluctuate greatly every day. Prices in dollars are approximate. We apologize that we can't change the price in rubles depending on the dollar exchange rate.
To get the benefits of a subscription - you must be a member of our Discord channel.
[RU] Eternal Time - это Онлайн РПГ на движке Godot вдохновленная Impressive Title. Наша задача воссоздать и преумножить то, что мы делали в старой версии проекта на Ogre3d.
Также мы планируем и создаем большое число механик (такие как домовладение, нон-таргет система боя, книги) для создания которых нам нужна ваша поддержка!
Уважаемый русскоговорящий игрок!
В связи с мировыми обстоятельствами мы решили создать общий бусти и для русскоговорящих, и для англоговорящих игроков. По этой причине мы сделали большинство описаний на английском. Описания преимуществ легко переводятся при помощи переводчика. Помимо этого, если вы захотите поддержать проект разово - вы можете воспользоваться функцией цели.
Благодарим за Ваше понимание!
Чтобы получить преимущества подписки - вы обязательно должны быть участником на нашем Дискорд канале.
New tufts
Level required:
Tempus Traveller
New body parts!
Level required:
Tempus Traveller
Level required:
Tempus Traveller
Level required:
Tempus Traveller
Editor progress
Level required:
Tempus Traveller
Level required:
Tempus Traveller
Hex Copy-Paste!
Level required:
Tempus Traveller
Palette deletion
Level required:
Tempus Traveller
Colour swatches
Level required:
Tempus Traveller
Colour Swatches!
Level required:
Tempus Traveller

Subscription levels

Tempus Traveller

$ 0,76 per month
This subscription costs about $1
- Early access to the game (when it's ready for it)
- Access to closed channels for donaters in Discord
- Early access to news and private spoilers
- The role of Tempus Traveller in Discord  
- Private Telegram chanel
+ chat

Junior Timekeeper

$ 2,26 per month
This subscription costs about $3
You get:
- Early access to the game (when it's ready for it)
- Access to closed channels for donaters in Discord
- Early access to news and private spoilers
- The role of Junior Timekeeper in Discord
- Yellow in-game nickname
- Private Telegram chanel
+ chat


$ 3,8 per month
This subscription costs about $5
- Early access to the game (when it's ready for it)
- Access to closed channels for donaters in Discord
- Early access to news and private spoilers
- The role of Timekeeper in Discord
- Orange in-game nickname
- Increasing Skill Slots from 250 to 500
- Increasing max stash size from 144 to 288
- Increase max stash of items from 45 to 65
- Private Telegram chanel
+ chat

Senior Timekeeper

$ 6,3 per month
This subscription costs about $9
- All permissions of "Timekeeper"
- Red in-game nickname
- Armor set "Senior Keeper of Time"!
- Private Telegram chanel
+ chat
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