
I make fan fiction, art, and music.
6 of 7 paid subscribers
Many people say 7 is a lucky number. My life would certainly be easier with at least 7 subscribers.
1 of 2
199.29 of $ 11 324 money raised
A general donation box for one-time donations, art comissions, etc.

About the creator

I'm an agender artist currently situated in Russian Siberia, doing my best to make art. I'm trying to make high-quality stories, drawings, and music. Art is my passion, it stood through years of my life and stayed with me in my darkest times. I want to devote more time into art, get into it as much as I can, and come up with something worth experiencing: reading, listening, or viewing.
I'm thankful for everyone who supports me, you help me make my dream come true!  
Salvation | Rebirth - Chapter 120
Level required:
Monthly Shawarma

Chapter delay

I am struggling again. I need to do a bunch of things, and... well, yeah. Basically, I need just a bit of time to do them, so I am delaying Chapter 120 until Thursday.
Salvation | Rebirth - Chapter 119
Level required:
Monthly Shawarma
Salvation | Rebirth - Chapter 118
Level required:
Monthly Shawarma
Salvation | Rebirth - Chapter 117
Level required:
Monthly Shawarma
Salvation | Rebirth - Chapter 116
Level required:
Monthly Shawarma
Salvation | Rebirth - Chapter 115
Level required:
Monthly Shawarma
Salvation | Rebirth - Chapter 114
Level required:
Monthly Shawarma
Chapter Delay
Level required:
Monthly Shawarma
Salvation | Rebirth - Chapter 113
Level required:
Monthly Shawarma

Subscription levels

Monthly Shawarma

$ 5,7 per month
Every little bit helps, especially if it's tasty.
- Two chapter uploads per week instead of one
+ chat

Avid Reader

$ 8 per month
Reading a book is always good for you.
- Two chapter uploads per week instead of one
- Access to unfinished works and behind-the-scenes stuff for the finished works
+ chat

Library Dweller

$ 10,2 per month
You like reading so much you may as well live in the library full time.
- Two chapter uploads per week instead of one
- Access to unfinished works and behind-the-scenes stuff for the finished works
- Nifty Discord role
+ chat

The Slav

$ 28,4 per month

Squatting brings you closer to the money.
- Two chapter uploads per week instead of one
- Access to unfinished works and behind-the-scenes stuff for the finished works
- Discord role
+ chat
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