creator cover DiamondTears


Like drawing traditionally but also enjoy digital
0 of $ 1 413 money raised
My mother was scammed so i want to help her with the debt she was fooled into

About the creator

I draw stuff, like both sfw and nsfw art.
on my page you will see drawings sooner than on twitter also you will find sketches, unfinished drawings and sometimes things i really liked and wanted to share with you.
peglin wip
Sp12rite-0001.gif8.55 KbDownload

Subscription levels

Lil Sup

$ 0,59 per month
Basic subscription, you will see sketches sooner, i will try to not fail your expectations.

Big dude

$ 2,36 per month
Higher tier of subscription, i will give you my discord so you can suggest things to draw
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