creator cover Daniel


16.08 of $ 31 money raised
Cigarets for a week or less
0 of $ 121 money raised
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0 of $ 423 money raised
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About the creator

My name is Daniel, and I am not an alcoholic. I was born in the USSR on December 19th, 1982. I have been interested in IT since I was 6 years old and dedicated my life to learning about it as much as I can. I have been working as an IT guy since I was 16. I was about to write my life story, but hey, who cares. It's enough to say that in my life, I have done almost everything imaginable in that sphere.
With that out of the way, while being interested in IT, you can't really skip PC gaming, and I like all kinds of games. I see game development as a form of art.
One of the latest games I have discovered is SCUM by Gamepires. After playing since 2018, we have decided to open a server where players could play without worrying about cheaters. And with that came the need to improve the gaming experience of our players. We wanted to have an in-game killfeed, and so the project Scum Commander came into existence.
Scum Commander is a system to make server administration easier. From a tiny game logs parser, it grew into a gigantic system of numerous applications with all kinds of features for players and admins. We are working towards the public release of our system, and if you wish to support us and see it released as the cheapest and best administration tool for SCUM, please do so.

Subscription levels

Lustful Lurker

$ 12,1 per month

Gluttonous Gatherer

$ 37 per month

Envious Benefactor

$ 61 per month

Wrathful Patron

$ 121 per month
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