creator cover CHARLIE Cosplay


Making cosplay and stuff ✨
0 of $ 72 money raised
На фотосет Дафны (Scooby-Doo) / For Daphne (Scooby-Doo) photoshoot

About the creator

Привет, ягодка ✨
Рада, что ты зашел на мю страничку, где я делюсь своим творчеством~
Косплей составляет большую часть моей жизни, и мне безумно нравится шить костюмы и перевоплощаться в персонажей, поэтому буду рада любой поддержке 💖 
Hey cutie ✨
I'm so glad that you went to my page where I share with my stuff~
Cosplay is a big part of my life and I absolutely love making costumes and transforming into characters, so any support would be greatly appreciated 💖
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Nurse photoshoot in the bath 🥀🛁
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The Nurse (Dead by Daylight) - Part 3

"Only Sally had survived the night, but her mind was gone, rocking back and forth non-stop. Exactly what happened is only known by her, but it seems that some of them had been choked as they had marks around their necks."
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Sally wishes you good night 🌚
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The Nurse (Dead by Daylight) - Part 2

"Finally she could not take it any more and concepts of purification emerged inside her. She did what she felt was necessary. As the morning staff arrived one day in September - they found over fifty dead patients, lifeless, in their bed along four staff members, also dead."
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The Nurse (Dead by Daylight) - Part 1

"Over the years, her mind had reached its limits, two decades of seeing horrid things that violate the eyes. Memories that are re-played every night. Being abused verbally and physically, by people without limits. Sally saw insanity from the outside, just to catch it herself.
Finally she could not take it any more and concepts of purification emerged inside her. She did what she felt was necessary." 
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Backstages: Dead by Daylight - The Nurse
Some backstages: Dead by Daylight - The Nurse
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Subscription levels


$ 2,38 per month
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Thank you for your support 💖
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$ 11,9 per month
Для сладкоежек / For sweet tooth ✨
✨ Больше бэкстейджей / More backstage
✨ Эксклюзивные фотографии / Exclusive photos  
✨ Личная сигна / Personal signa
✨ Пак фото в хорошем качестве / Pack photo in HD  
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