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How to Increase Metabolism and Lose Weight?

Many people want to stimulate their metabolism - but why? We will explain in detail what creates a good metabolism, how and why you can boost your metabolism.

Why should one stimulate the metabolism?
Metabolism refers to all biochemical processes that take place in our cells, such as breaking down nutrients from food, providing energy when the body needs it, or removing waste products from the organism. To do this, the body uses both the nutrients that we supply and the reserves it has already built up.
Digestion is often mentioned equal to metabolism, but it is only a preliminary stage of the metabolic processes. There is not just one single metabolism, but many different ones: including sugar metabolism, protein metabolism and lipid metabolism, which deals with fat cells.
Hormones and enzymes are important for the metabolic process, as this is controlled by the hormone and nervous system. The most important metabolic organ is the liver. Sometimes, however, the metabolism is too slow and does not work properly - an underactive thyroid could be behind it.
In this case, a metabolism booster can be recommended to get it going again and to help you lose weight.
The "faster" the metabolism, the more energy you have. People with a "quick" metabolism are good food to energy converters. In addition, with a good metabolism it is easier to lose weight and keep it off.
How to speed up metabolism?
Let's review 5 main methods that will allow you to speed up your metabolism without any side effects or extra expense.
1. Drink a lot to activate the metabolism
With water you support your digestion and increase your basal metabolic rate. Ministry of Health recommends drinking around 2.7 liters of water a day, of which around 1.5 liters comes from drinks. According to a research series, just 500 milliliters of water increase energy consumption by 24 percent for the next 60 minutes.
If you drink water instead of sugary drinks, you automatically consume fewer calories and are more likely to maintain or achieve a healthy weight. If you drink water about half an hour before you eat, you eat less because you feel fuller.
According to one study, this even led to 44 percent more weight loss during a diet (e.g. the metabolic diet).
Drinking water can therefore stimulate the metabolism. Cold water is even more effective for stimulating metabolism because the body has to expend more energy to warm it up to body temperature.
Green tea and coffee are also known as fat killers and can boost metabolism. Green tea helps convert fat in the body into free fatty acids, increasing fat burning by 10 to 17 percent.
Coffee is also said to have this effect, but as a study has shown, it is more effective in slim people than in obese people.
Drink a lot of water! This can stimulate the metabolism and help with weight loss. Green tea or coffee can also effectively boost metabolism.
2. Eating spicy food and food high in protein stimulates the metabolism
Eating can boost your metabolism for a few hours. This effect is called TEF, Thermic Effect of Food, and refers to the extra energy the body needs to use to digest and process the nutrients in a meal.
The body needs the most energy for proteins, so you can boost your metabolism by 15 to 30 percent. Carbohydrates have a low nutrient density and, on the other hand, only stimulate the metabolism by five to ten percent, and fat by only zero to three percent.
Proteins are generally recommended during a weight loss phase because they fill you up, counteract the breakdown of muscle mass and prevent the yo-yo effect.
If you also spice up your food, it is even better for your metabolism: Spicy foods such as chili peppers contain capsaicin and are real fat burners. This alkaloid creates a heat or pungency stimulus in the body and can boost metabolism.
In order to achieve this positive effect, however, a dose is required that not all people can tolerate. In one study, adding a tolerable amount of hot pepper to each dish burned 10 more calories per meal. However, you have to wait about 6.5 years before you lose half a kilo.
Hot spices are not particularly effective on their own, but in combination with other foods they can definitely show their effect and boost the metabolism. In addition, the amino acid tyrosine is said to be good for the metabolism, as it contributes to performance.
The body needs more energy to process proteins than they provide themselves - proteins also keep you full for longer and prevent muscle mass from being broken down.
3. Stimulate metabolism with coconut oil
Coconut oil contains more medium-chain fatty acids than most oils. Medium-chain fatty acids can stimulate the metabolism more than long-chain fats (e.g. in butter). According to a study, the basal metabolic rate is even increased by twelve percent, while long-chain fats could only stimulate it by four percent.
So, according to these studies, using coconut oil more often may be beneficial.
Nevertheless, coconut oil should only be consumed in moderation, as the ratio of fatty acids in it is unfavorable: the proportion of saturated fatty acids is 90 percent. These can increase the risk of dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, and even breast cancer.
According to some studies, coconut oil can stimulate the metabolism. However, since it is high in saturated fat, it should only be consumed in moderation.
4. Sport boosts metabolism
Exercise can increase basal metabolism. As the muscles grow, so does the basal metabolic rate and energy consumption. Since both fat mass and muscle mass are lost when you lose weight, it is all the more important to compensate for this through sport. Ministry of Health recommends around 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day.
Do not only do endurance sports, but also strength training, because lean muscle mass is crucial for weight loss success.
Some studies have shown that strength training is one of the most effective types of exercise to build muscle and optimize metabolism. The best results are achieved when cardio and strength training are combined.
Studies have now shown that a HIIT workout (high-intensity interval training) is particularly good for the metabolism, since the afterburn effect is strongest here compared to other sports.
This means that even after training, the metabolism remains elevated. In addition, HIIT training, in which you alternate training at the highest intensity and short, restful intervals, promotes fat burning and thus also the tumble of the kilos.
In a 12-week research series, male subjects who did regular HIIT workouts lost 5 pounds and 17 percent of belly fat.
Even small changes can have an effect. Instead of sitting all day at work, get up or work while you're standing. According to one study, even a "sweet afternoon" can burn up to 174 extra kilocalories (kcal).
Exercise increases the basal metabolic rate. A mix of strength and endurance training is most effective for weight loss.
5. Sleeping is good for your metabolism
Sleep has a positive effect on metabolism. Here, deep, continuous sleep is most important in the first three hours of night's rest. Disrupted or insufficient sleep can lead to obesity and generally has a negative effect on the metabolism.
Poor sleep patterns have been shown to increase blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. Both can lead to diabetes.
Sufficient sleep is also important for athletes, since the muscles that have been subjected to a training stimulus during sport are regenerated during sleep.
Poor sleep can also stimulate the hunger hormone ghrelin while reducing the satiety hormone leptin. This could explain why people who suffer from sleep deprivation often feel hungry and have trouble losing weight.
But what can you do if you suffer from insomnia?
Frequently, non-drug measures help with sleep disorders, which are summarized under the term sleep hygiene. Some general rules are: get up early in the morning at regular times; only go to bed in the evening when you are tired; regular physical activity, but not shortly before Going to bed; quiet, cool sleeping environment; no caffeine, heavy food, or alcohol in the evening. Relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation often help.
Sleep is important for a good metabolism. Lack of sleep, on the other hand, can lead to increased hunger, cause weight problems and, in the worst case, even lead to diabetes.
Summary: How to boost your metabolism naturally?
Let’s review all 5 tips to summarize how you can increase your metabolism naturally. We also added one more bonus method to boost metabolism and lose weight with the help of medicine!
Drink a lot of water! This can stimulate the metabolism and help with weight loss. Green tea or coffee can also effectively boost metabolism.
Also, eat lots of protein. The body needs more energy to process proteins than they provide themselves - they also keep you full for longer and prevent too much muscle mass from being broken down.
Adding spice to meals can also stimulate metabolism.
According to some studies, coconut oil can stimulate the metabolism. However, since it is high in saturated fat, it should only be consumed in moderation.
Exercise increases the basal metabolic rate. A mix of strength and endurance training is most effective for losing weight - HIIT workouts are particularly good for boosting your metabolism and burning fat
Getting enough sleep is important for a good metabolism. Lack of sleep, on the other hand, can trigger an increased feeling of hunger, cause weight problems and, in the worst case, even lead to diabetes.
Bonus option: Metabolism boosters! When you first begin a diet or exercise regimen to increase metabolism, it can be hard to keep up. To make it easier to stick to your goals, you may consider taking a pill to boost your metabolism. The metabolism boosters are pills that are taken to increase the rate at of metabolism, or the speed at which the body uses energy. The metabolism booster pill is most commonly used to help people lose weight. However, some people use the metabolism booster pill to increase the energy they have, so that they can improve their performance in physical activities.  

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