6 subscribers


AnimeTV is the popular product of AnimeTV v2.
Track your anime !!
APK file size of this app is 12M, and we suggest you use the Wi-fi connection when downloading to save your 3G data. AnimeTV works with Android "4.4" and higher version, so please check your system before you install it.
The latest update of this app is on July 8, 2020. If you have any trouble with AnimeTV, feel free to go AnimeTV v2 website and contact with the app's developers. We hope you enjoy this app and share it with your friends on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter.
Is Animetv legal?
I think they are illegal, but looking at their catalog and their presentation style that is very official and maintained, even their videos end with official TV broadcast times. Their stuff is largely anime-related and currently airing anime-related, so I wouldn't be surprised if they are legal.
Where can I watch anime on TV?
You can watch Anime legally on the following sites:. Amazon
Anime.Crunchyroll.Netflix.Hulu.Anime Planet.CONtv.Tubi TV.
Is Chia-Anime safe?
Chia-anime, just like any other pirated anime website, is safe until you click on the suspicious ads hovering on the website. But it's not the legal way to watch anime. Only legal way is to either buy blu rays cds or purchase subscription of ott like Netflix, crunchyroll, funimation, hulu, hdive, etc.
Thank you and enjoy AnimeTV now!
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