creator cover Amazing Shots

Amazing Shots

is creating A Tribute to Cinematography
Amazing Shots
4 of 100 paid subscribers
Allows me to devote more time to the channel
1 of 3
5.26 of $ 1 195 money raised
Donation support

About the creator

The most beautiful shots from your favorite movies and TV series...

Subscription levels

Movie Lover

$ 1,2 per month
- Early access to my videos!!!


$ 6 per month
- High-quality video downloads
- Your name will be include in every video description
- All previous rewards


$ 29,9 per month
- Once every 3 months you can ask me to create a video for you for any movie. Or once every 6 months for any series or anime.
- All previous rewards

A True Fan

$ 60 per month
- Just if you want to support me even more
- All previous rewards
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