creator cover Amaryllex


Illustrator and amateur writer.
3 of 5 paid subscribers
Idk, getting a few paid subscribers would just be cool. Let's start with five :)
133.92 of $ 1 127 money raised
Currently I'm sсraping money to buy a subscription to the pool, as my unhealthy spine badly needs it.

About the creator

Hiya! My name's Amaryllex, or Lex. I'm an anthro-friendly artist and amateur writer, having a few near-historical projects supposed to become books with my own illustrations one day. My work has just started to take a serious form, but there's a number of illustrations, random drawings and notes related to the plots and the characters, that you can already see and comment on on this page or in my gallery on DA (which is the most complete archive of my artwork since 2008, with stuff related to my own projects produced since the end of 2013).
If you like what I do, you can support my work financially. Even the smallest one-time donation is appreciated a lot <3 
My blog on Boosty mainly exists to share everything that I have on my projects, from quick scraps and WIPs to complicated finished illustrations, from short notes and local memes to longread posts. And even some random stuff from the Internet may appear here time to time, if I find it a useful tool for looking deeper into my OCs personalities and world.
Many of the posts on my Boosty are open for everyone. If you aren't sure you want to become my subscriber, you can become my free follower. In this case a small one-time payment will be mainly required for...:
- the early access to full illustrations and the following step-by-step GIFs/collages,
- some NSFW artwork or other local things that I don't feel like spreading elsewhere (I ask you to respect this, please),
Feel free to decide whether you'd like to purchase access to any of those posts or not.
Currently I'm out of resources for drawing commissions, but if you'd like to commission an art piece from me, please, check out my pricelist here and share your idea with me. There is a chance that it will interest me still.
To become my paid subscriber on this site you need to:
1. Sign in on Boosty (via Google or FB, for example); first you can select English, or just use your browser's translator.
2. Press 'Subscribe' in the Subscriptions section or select a post that shows the same button (Pay attention to that the price is likely to be shown in RUB! Don't be scared with the amount, once you press the button it will let you select USD, and you'll see that in USD it's many times lower :'D).
3. Select a subscription period and press 'Buy subscription'.
4. Choose a payment method and send the required amount.
To purchase access to a single paid post on this site you need to:
1. Sign in on Boosty if you haven't yet.
2. Press 'Unlock this post for ...₽' or 'Buy for ...₽' (depends on the post type).
The price is again likely to be shown in RUB, but you already know what to do!
3. Press 'Purchase access', choose a payment method, and send the required amount.
To make a donation on this site you need to:
1. Sign in on Boosty if you haven't yet.
2. Press 'Donate' in the Goals section.
3. Choose a payment method and send any amount that you like c:
Btw, the coin icon that shows below each of my posts, and the 'Send tip' button under my avatar work absolutely the same way as the 'Donate' button, so you can select any of these instead.
Hope you don't have any problems! Please, let me know if you do. We'll figure out a solution!
Thank you kindly for visiting my page! Have a nice day~
Дороу! Меня зовут Amaryllex, или Лекс. Я антро-френдли автор со своими околоисторическими проектами, которые должны когда-нибудь вылиться в иллюстрированные книги. Проекты эти пока находятся практически в самом начале своего развития, но какие-то черновики глав, ряд иллюстраций по сюжетам и рандомные рисунки с персонажами оценить можно уже сейчас. Для русскоязычного пользователя для этого удобнее будет подписаться на мои группы ВК - официальную (дублёра моей галереи на DA) и закрытую (которую я стараюсь вести по аналогии с блогом на Бусти). Впрочем, если вы решите следить за мной здесь, возражать я не буду :)
Если вам нравится то, что я делаю, вы можете поддержать мою работу финансово. Даже самый маленький единоразовый платёж много значит для меня <3
В этом блоге я делюсь всем, что так или иначе относится к моим сеттингам, от быстроскетчей и впроцессников до полноценных законченных иллюстраций, от коротких заметок и мемов до статей. Думаю, рандомный материал из интернета здесь тоже будет иногда мелькать, если я найду его полезным для более глубокого взгляда на моих персонажей и их мир.
Хотя я предлагаю платную подписку на этом сайте, многие мои посты доступны всем. Если вы не планируете становиться платным подписчиком, вы можете стать простым наблюдателем, жмякнув ''Отслеживать" под моим аватаром. В таком случае за небольшую одноразовую плату я буду предлагать вам...:
- ранний доступ к полноценным иллюстрациям и сопутствующим им поэтапникам в формате гифок или коллажей,
- доступ к контенту из категории NSFW или ещё каким-то локальным штукам, который я не планирую где-то еще выкладывать (прошу уважать это решение).
Покупать что-то из вышеперечисленного или нет, вы решаете самостоятельно.
Кстати, оказать финансовую поддержку можно не только на Бусти. Прямые переводы на банковскую карту или электронный кошелёк особенно приветствуются, ведь так от платежей не будет откусываться комиссия. Если вам хотелось бы, чтобы я получала ваши донаты в полном объёме, сообщите мне об этом. О способе договоримся :)
Вот, в общем-то, и всё. Спасибо, что заглянули! Хорошего дня~
Level required:
Helping Hand
Another spontaneous sketch
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Helping Hand
Spontaneous sketch
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Helping Hand
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Helping Hand
Small update
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Helping Hand
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Helping Hand
LotW characters from the point of view of AI
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Helping Hand
Quick scrap
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Helping Hand
LotW: Notes about Sergio's music
Level required:
Helping Hand

LotW: Dos Oruguitas

Hey, happy Valentine's Day everyone! I wish you to feel loved, needed, and, of course, happy 💚
And here's the thing, the old idea that I managed to draw for the date.
I remember when Encanto premiered, people around me were soon divided into two camps - those who didn't talk about Bruno, and those who cried rivers because of the song about two caterpillars in love (Dos Oruguitas). In short, I keep crying rivers and seas to this day. Because, after reading the translation of the lyrics once, I associated the two caterpillars with Sergio and Freddie, and this associaton was so powerful that my mind started to show me episodes from the story of their dramatic romance every single time I listened to the song since then.
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I think the feet in this piece can give an idea of what kind of footwear the characters tend to wear.
It seems to me that Freddie doesn't get out of some kind of western boots with a narrow toe, quite typical for riders of the 19th century, but perhaps not very comfortable, and so his feet often get tired at the end of the day. Sergio, on the contrary, prefers lightweight shoes, like alpargatas/espadrillas, or boots made of soft skin, comfortable for dance performances and long walks. However, it doesn't mean that he's 100% safe from rubbing his feet or something.

Subscription levels

Helping Hand

$ 1,41 per month
If you'd like to support me but you don't have an opportunity to commission me, you can just become my subscriber and donate me around $1.5-2 monthly.
This will encourage me to keep developing my own projects and share what I have with you <3
Also, this will let you get access to most paid posts for the subscription price, and time to time I'll be drawing small surprises for you ;)  
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