creator cover Anastasia | Agent Nesty

Anastasia | Agent Nesty

Agent of Memology Department, serve only my agents
Anastasia | Agent Nesty
23 of 100 paid subscribers
I'll get a tattoo
208.85 of $ 340 money raised
One-time donation option
249.05 of $ 794 money raised
794.4 of $ 794 money raised
My "safety cushion" which I'll put aside in case of unforeseen circumstances, if you know what I mean

About the creator

💗 Agent Nesty at your service! 💗
I make videos about my life in Russia (mosty with memes, because there is no other way). Due to difficult times we live in, I have a problem with recieving money from that.
This is my page for anyone who wants to help me keep creating content!
And for those who want to join my warm community 🧡 get exclusive content (early access to videos, personal photos and posts, stream once in a while) and stuff like that, you know 🙂

Subscription levels


$ 2,27 per month
Thank u for your help! You'll get an early access to my videos, posts in here (ask me about anything in messages here lol) and my ✨ private Telegram channel ✨


$ 6,3 per month
On this level this cute soviet pup will give you all bonuses of the previous level + As well as YOUR NICKNAME are included in the list of ladies and gentlemen in the next video!


$ 17 per month
Omg! Your help will help me get through another damn day! Thank u for your help, comrade! Woof-woof!
You get all the bonuses of the previous levels, as well as a gift photo from me with a wish! ♡


$ 35 per month
I'm not gonna ask u from there u got that huge money. But even if you're just laundering money by supporting me, you make a huge contribution to the development of my channel, thank you very much! ♡
Of course, you get all the bonuses of the previous levels, your nickname will shine in my next video, and I will also make a small video especially for you! Write me here in private messages for that, please! Any suggestions are highly acceptable :)


$ 68 per month
This level is here JUST IN CASE u know...
It's just exist, that's all. I don't think what anyone will actually choose it
But JUST IN CASE if someone will, we can have a chat with you on Telegram so I can show off you my meme stickers in there and you'll tell me where do u work so u can affort that level :)))) oh and photo-gift or video also included ofc!
Go up