creator cover Agata Sain

Agata Sain

Agata Sain
1 of 300 000 paid subscribers
634.6 of $ 1 298 money raised
Ace Witch soundtrack by Alex Ricellow -5$ - mentioning in credits -10$ - mentioning in credits + artbook -100$ - all above + game sprite cameo

About the creator

Hello! I don’t think that anyone will want to subscribe, but I will periodically try to throw something on games here and do monthly reports on work  
Level required:
Spoiler comics
Level required:
Spoiler comics
Level required:
Spoiler comics
Level required:
Spoiler comics
Level required:
Spoiler comics
HCD icons
Level required:
Spoiler comics
Level required:
Spoiler comics
Doctor Shihong prologue (part 1) rough draft
Level required:
Spoiler comics
Level required:
Spoiler comics
Level required:
Spoiler comics

Subscription levels

Spoiler comics

$ 0,69 per month
comics and sketcher that a lil spoiler or that I can't show (maybe horny things)


$ 2,07 per month
Access to the wip work on Ace Witch and all my projects and Manga


$ 2,79 per month
The book contains:
-Jo's backstory
-Patricia and Alice's backstory
-New funny comics
-Concepts for GLSAAW and Ace witch
-Exclusive art
the artbook pdf will come witch the welcoming massage when you pay for the level. If you had any problems, pls massage me on boosty


$ 6,9 per month
Access to the wip work on Ace Witch and all my projects and Manga
+ free sketch commission (once in a month. If tear was paid to 2-3 months, then the person will get 1 sketch per paid month
Rules: no nsfw, fury, mecha
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