creator cover Andrew Erlikh

Andrew Erlikh

Developer of Open Source self-hosted software
Andrew Erlikh
11.01 of $ 125 money raised
Upgrade my Home Lab

About the creator

Hello! I create Open Source self-hosted apps https://github.com/aceberg


I created AnyAppStart - control panel to Start/Stop/Restart/View Logs for Docker, Systemd, VMs or anything else (with user scripts). Written in Go and React. Features:
- User can add any types (like LXC or WakeOnLAN)
- Control remote machines via SSH
- Config in yaml files, no DB
- Simple API
My use cases:
- Resource heavy but rarely used apps. Start them only when necessary
- Environments for development, learning and experimenting. I do not need them all running at the same time
- Being able to control local and remote apps from one place, no matter what type (Docker, Systemd, VM, bash script)
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Auth for WatchYourLAN and other apps

I've created several Open Source self-hosted apps and including Auth option in every one of them makes them unnecessary overcomplicated. Also, harder to release updates.
So, I decided to make a separate Auth app ForAuth. For now, it is simple session-cookie auth for single user, but I have plans to enhance it.
Example 1:
In case of usual apps like WatchYourPorts it is enough to protect the app from unauthorized access:docker-compose-auth.yml
Example 2:
WatchYourLAN is a bit more complicated. It needs host network mode to work. So, WYL port will be exposed in this setup and needs to be protected with firewall.docker-compose-auth.yml
Of course, I'm aware of SSO tools like Authelia and Authentik. They should work fine with my apps. ForAuth is just much simpler to configure and maintain.

WatchYourLAN 2.0 - lightweight network IP scanner

Main features of https://github.com/aceberg/WatchYourLAN
- Send notification when new host is found
- Monitor hosts online/offline history
- Keep a list of all hosts in the network
- Send data to `InfluxDB2` to make a `Grafana` dashboard
What's new in `v2`?
- Basic `API`
- Export to `InfluxDB2`
- Choice between `SQLite` and `PostgreSQL` database
- User can pass arguments directly to `arp-scan`
- Better `UI` with `JS`
- Human-friendly `History` display
Quick start
Full installation guide is available in the README file. The easiest way to try it:
docker run --name wyl \
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I'm using a lot of selfhosted apps, both at work and in my homelab. Of course, I can't remember all ports taken by those apps. So, the idea of ports inventory seems reasonable.
Why not just use Portainer or other Docker tool?
- Not all apps are hosted in `Docker`. Some things must be run as `systemd` services.
- Port may be exposed in `Docker`, but blocked by firewall.
- There may be ports exposed to the world, you are not aware of.
So, the purposes of WatchYourPorts are:
1. Inventory
2. Security
3. Monitoring
Monitoring is the last one, because it's not the main purpose of this app. There are already tools for that. `WatchYourPorts` can do simple port scan on timer and export data to `InfluxDB2/Grafana`.
- No DB, all config is stored in two `yaml` files.
- All configuration can be done through `ENV` variables, `yaml` or `GUI`.
-`Docker` images for `arm/v6`,`arm/v7`,`arm/arm64`.
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