MilkyNail (MariaMod)
MilkyNail (MariaMod)
18 subscribers
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When I reach 300 supporters, I'll expand Young Maria in a new way everybody will like:3

Homelands v0.0.0c! God bless the working artists

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New Patreon page (just for Homelands): https://Patreon.com/MilkyNail 
Hi everybody! I didn't post anything last weekend because of the lack of changes. All I do now is trying to find artists and make them work. You can't imagine how hard it can be! I have many funny stories already. Maybe I'm a bad boss... But, believe me, I'm doing my best. 
I decided to make 4 layers of background, by the way. 6 layers is a bit too much, in my opinion. Thanks to MidJuChan for them:3 Her clouds look really good.
Also, I've got a first animation: Idle! Yes, it took a lot of time. I hate this fact. Talking about animations, I found another artist who can draw them. Did this make the process faster? Nope! I hate this fact, too.
There are a few bugs in this update. Almost all of them appear when you try to attack enemies. I still need to understand why I can't fix them and why the code works in such wicked ways.
UPD 0.0.0c
- Added lives. 5 hearts in the top left corner. After being hit, you are invincible for 1 second
- Added enemies. Two dummy sprites with a hive mind bug. I call it a bug, but I don't know for sure. Maybe this behavior is okay... They throw rocks at you, be careful!
- You can kill an enemy with two attacks. Just tap on the screen (if you play via phone) or use the left mouse button
- After being killed, a new enemy will appear after 5 seconds
- Also, I added a few animation replacements just to fix bugs I might encounter later
- A few changes you won't see. Like braking system and aiming support for enemies. I also beautified the tilemap a bit
I want to warn you that May is a month of lazy work in Russia. I'll do my best, but it seems that artists will work EVEN SLOWER now! Wish me good luck... See you soon!

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