MilkyNail (MariaMod)
MilkyNail (MariaMod)
18 subscribers
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When I reach 300 supporters, I'll expand Young Maria in a new way everybody will like:3

Homelands: More information about how it's going

Project Patreon
Hi, everyone! I can't believe it's been three weeks since the previous post... Unfortunately, I still have nothing interesting to tell you except that: I finally found the programmer and argued with two team members.
I don't know why it's not working. I feel a bit depressed about how bad I'm doing my work as a 'project manager.' Today I literally sent to hell an animator with a game designer. So many people, so few results. I still have to learn a lot.
Well, you are not here to read my complaints. I sent about 4 ads and talked to 10+ people who wanted to be a programmer. Long story short, he asked for a huge pile of money, but.. It's the best option right now. I also need a new animator now. 
At least two good news: my exams are almost over, and the design document is already 4/5 finished. Now we can work with it. 
I'm doing my best here, so thank you for your patience<3

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