creator cover Alika Nikishiro

Alika Nikishiro

Drawing for myself and my studies
Alika Nikishiro
17.79 of $ 534 money raised
Коплю на всякую всячину - на проезд, на еду, на Steam Deck, почему нет? Saving up for stuff - for bus, for food, for Steam Deck, why not?

About the creator

Hi, my name is Alika, I am a self-taught artist, student of pedagogical institute and graduated from college of applied sciences.
Trying to sneak out free time, which I spend on drawing for myself and on steem games (I love pc games)
I mostly draw people, sometimes animals (furry? 50/50) and like to draw my OCs from games and my Utau
If you want to take a commission from me, I recommend checking out the price list on Twitter or finding the post by the tags "commissiom" or "price"
Then click on "send a message" and let's start discussion!

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