creator cover White Fox

White Fox

Here I will share with you my creations!
White Fox
671.48 of $ 3 626 money raised
For life and wishes
46.51 of $ 3 626 money raised
Unfortunately, my computer monitor broke and now I'll be collecting on a monitor.

About the creator

Hi, my name is Anastasia! I am happy to meet all of you, thank you for following me!
Thank you so much for your support!
My social networks are on American platforms that I try to run:

For those who do not know how to make transfers:
✦Line BY VorrI✦
✦The line includes:✦
protogenic body
Tails - 6
Ears - 3
Emotions - 7
Post is available after purchase
✦base BY GeoNN✦
✦base BY GeoNN✦
✦The base includes:✦
All kinds of Eeveelution
Post is available after purchase
✦Line BY VorrI✦
✦Line BY VorrI✦
✦The line includes:✦
Wings - 8
Tails - 32.
3 body types
Hairstyles - 21
Surroundings - 3
Ears - 13
Various additions - 11
Post is available after purchase
✦LINE BY BlueTulen✦
✦LINE BY BlueTulen✦
The line includes:
Tails - 6
Hairstyles - 9
Horns - 6
Wings - 2
Extra fur - 2
Post is available after purchase

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