обложка автора sonysakura


artist, writer and translator
1 из 7 платных подписчиков
Once we have that amount of people, I'll be making polls about what to draw and opening requests sometimes. Available to all paid Subscribers!
0 из $ 23,1 собрано
If you feel generous! This is so I can make some new merch 💝

Об авторе

Sony / sonysakura (any pronouns)
A chaotic creator, mostly an artist and a writer/translator! ✨ I'm very into Sonic right now, esp Sonadow and adjacent polyships. And I'm a Contributor and/or Mod to 5+ Sonic zines, notably Project Chao, Live & Learn: a Sonic/Shadow zine, Sonic Shatterverse, etc.
discord: sonysakura
social media: twitter | tumblr | cohost | bluesky
The Subscription Levels available will be launched in January 2024! For now you can Follow me or Donate if you feel especially generous 💙💜
I have a personal Discord server named ⚡Sony Central. It's a place for my creative updates, hanging out with fans and friends alike, some exclusive stuff and occasional streams! The server is 18+, though mostly not because of its contents... If you want to be sure what you're getting into before making any decisions, I made special docs with the server rules and other info.
Also please be aware that I approve people manually, so you will not be able to access anything aside from the guestbook right away and getting in might take a moment – sometimes I sleep =D
Post Doodles [EA]
Doodles for post envelopes
Нужен уровень:
SA1 Tribute [EA]
Sketch for a SA1 tribute artwork | Sonic's Awesome Saturday art contest
Нужен уровень:
Читать далее
Thank You [EA]
Sketch for a Thank You/Golden Book page | Live & Learn: a Sonic/Shadow zine
Нужен уровень:


Originally requested by a friend. Yet another one of my sample icons. I added some personal touch to Fleet's design, though his spines got cropped from the original traditional sketch (same as Blaze's ponytail in the prev lol)


Originally requested by a friend. Another one of my sample icons, and in the end I decided to post her separately, too 🔥


Another one of my sample icons, and separately from the others because: 1) wasn't originally requested by anyone (just a sketch for Cosmo Species zine I ended up dropping out of 🥲); 2) COSMO DESERVES IT ✨🌷✨✨
Profile/User Icons: The Perfect Shadow
[server exclusive]
Нужен уровень:

The Perfect Shadow

Sometimes you do a simple warm-up and end up with a perfect he instead =3 This is actually a final frame of an animation, but I just learned Boosty doesn't allow to upload GIFs directly from your PC... So instead I uploaded it as a file 👇 I also made user icons from this animation – they're available for LVL 1 and up.
the_perfect_shadow.gif58.69 KbСкачать

Уровни подписки


$ 0,12 в месяц
You know what they say – a friend in court is better than a penny in purse, but if said friend also puts a penny in your purse, it certainly doesn't hurt! =P
You don't get anything else yet, but I sincerely thank you for your support ✨


$ 1,16 в месяц
We enter the next level! "Let's go!" as Sonic would say 🟣💨
For your support you get:
💫 exclusive digital merch, unpublished fanfiction, alternative versions of artwork, etc. from my Discord server,
💫 a special role allowing access to a #boosty-club chat (if you are in my Discord server and want something extra),
💫 WIPs and early access to pieces created for zines, contests and other private or anonymous events,
💫 sneak peeks at fanfiction WIPs,
💫 access to special limited merch and pre-orders.
+ чат


$ 3,5 в месяц
Do you want to know more about my creative process? Maybe how I get ideas or how I develop them, or how they change as the story or artwork progresses? If your answer is yes, then this level is for you!
For your support you get:
🌟 all previous perks,
💫 monthly Ficreader’s Digest where I share thoughts about writing, word count on my current projects and additional sneak peeks,
💫 working files (such as .psd, .sai, etc.),
💫 early access to speedpaints.
+ чат


$ 11,6 в месяц
How about tailoring your experience here to your liking: custom artwork, custom writing and being able to directly influence my creative process? 👀 All that and more once you enter this new level...
For your support you get:
🌟 all previous perks,
💫 monthly 1+ hour stream,
💫 discounts on future commissions,
💫 free-of-charge sketch or drabble (once a month, certain restrictions apply),
💫 exclusive physical sticker, free shipping (once).
+ чат

LVL 4 Bonus Stage

$ 23,1 в месяц
This Bonus level offers you an option to get all of my physical merch with free shipping! It is for those of you who'd rather have a physical fish along with a digital dish XDD
For your support you get:
🌟 all previous perks,
💫 a set of my physical merch, free shipping (once).
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