обложка автора Ringeko


I'm Artist
1 106
4 794.26 из $ 11 365 собрано
Gold reserve for important things

Об авторе

Digital Artist | Диджитал художник
I'm grateful for your support!  | Спасибо за вашу поддержку!
Subscription prices may vary slightly over time. It depends on the exchange rate of the day of the extension. Be careful!

I solved my patreon payout problem, so I'm looking forward to seeing you all here again!
Content from next month will be released without delay. But on Boosty, a subscription will cost a little less.

| Соц. Сети

What is Boosty?
This is the Russian analogue of patreon, coffee and other donation services
How is payment made?
Payment occurs on the day you signed up. For example, if you subscribed on December 10, then the next payment will be on January 10

Where can I find old reward packs?
You can find old reward packs in this post

PNG+PSD (LVL 3 Reward)
PNG (LVL 2 Reward)

 Brushes setting (LVL 3 reward)

Уровни подписки

lvl 1

$ 0,69 в месяц

+ Early access
+ WIPS, sketches
+ чат

lvl 2

$ 3,5 в месяц
♡  Early access
♡ WIPS, sketches
+ Nude ver.
+ Digital downloads (PNG)
+ чат

lvl 3

$ 6,9 в месяц
♡ Early access
♡ WIPS, sketches
♡ Nude ver.
♡ Digital downloads (PNG)
+ Brush settings for  Procreate
+ Speedpaint
+ чат


$ 10,3 в месяц
♡ Early access
♡ WIPS, sketches
♡ Nude ver.
♡ Digital downloads (PNG)
♡ Brush settings for  Procreate
♡ Speedpaint
+ Digital downloads (PSD)
+ Tutorial (Archive)
+ чат