обложка автора FerriaSH


I draw to order and just for myself.
0 из 100 платных подписчиков
к новым целям
0 из $ 1 137 собрано
Support for my art ;3
1 218.25 из $ 1 137 собрано
Support for my art

Об авторе

Hi there, welcome to my Boosty!
My name is Ferria. I'm a digital illustrator and motion designer who makes a living with my art.
This is where you can support me financially and get:
- early access to artwork
- good quality art
- WIP and spoilers for the artwork in advance
- 18+ content
You can read how to pay here:
I would be very happy to get your support! Especially in the current situation.
Thanks for the heads up!

Уровни подписки

little foxy

$ 0,57 в месяц
Early access to art
Good quality art

sly fox

$ 1,14 в месяц
Early access to art
Good quality art
WIP and spoilers for future art

favorite fox

$ 2,28 в месяц
Early access to art
Good quality art
WIP and spoilers for future art
 18+ content