creator cover Fake_Anna


I draw stuff
1 602.8 of $ 2 338 money raised
I have a dream

About the creator

Hello and thank you for the support :03 
If you have any request or wanna see something drawn in my style don't be shy to poke me <3
Rather pitiful attempt at GIF making X0P
Level required:
Early acsess and secret stuff
Or maybe not far enough
Level required:
Early acsess and secret stuff
Study went too far
Level required:
Early acsess and secret stuff
Just a little anatomy study
Level required:
Early acsess and secret stuff
Creepy old guy :03
Level required:
Early acsess and secret stuff
I love Off I love Fear and Hunger and I love Cheshire cat
Level required:
Early acsess and secret stuff
Level required:
Early acsess and secret stuff

Mr. Horrible Kitty

When I was in school all my textbooks, notebooks etc. were covered in horse and cheshire cat drawings. And horses should have been cute when cats should have been creepy.
Because I had very specific kinks.
Years have passed and nothing changed. 
But media today is feeding me creepy smiley cats and oh my god I don't mind.
This particular kitty from Fear and hunger games series.
I'm too tired to color
Level required:
Early acsess and secret stuff

I still like sketches

 they full of life
I'm warming up a little, so if you have any requests be free and encouraged to give them to me <3
Vox is so happy that he can bury his face into Val fluff ❤️
He likes to be carried. That's adorable

Subscription levels

Early acsess and secret stuff

$ 2,93 per month
I guess the name says it X0)
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