обложка автора Dushniy Games

Dushniy Games

Creating bad adult game(s)
Dushniy Games
15.77 из $ 451 собрано
This is what I earn from my normal job. If we can get it, then ooh boy. I'll be happy. And drunk. And very happy.

Об авторе

Greetings. My name is Andrey and I create weird adult games.
Currently I have one game under my belt.
Agony Of The Healthy Sleep.
I enjoy creating stuff and I enjoy drinking alcohol. I also like adult games.
One morning I just decided to combine it all, minus the alcohol (only if I get tipped here).
I am an amateur in every field, but I will try my best to entertain you.
The games I create will be free and with no locked content.
If you have enjoyed them though, I would really appreciate a tip. 

Уровни подписки

Beer tier

$ 1,13 в месяц
Buy me a beer.
Thank you very much. I'll go get it right now.
You get nothing for this tier. Just my thanks.
Sorry about that. But if you enjoy my free games, consider getting me a beer!

Cheap Wine

$ 4,6 в месяц
Buy me some cheap wine.
Thank you very much. I'll go get it right now.
You get nothing for this tier. Just my thanks (and a smile on my face).
Sorry about that. But if you enjoy my free games, consider getting me some cheap wine!

Cheap Whiskey

$ 7,9 в месяц
Buy me some cheap whiskey.
Thank you very much. I'll go get it right now.
You get nothing for this tier. Just my thanks (and a smile and a new desire to work faster).
Sorry about that. But if you enjoy my free games, consider getting me a beer!

Beer, Wine and Whiskey tier

$ 11,3 в месяц
Buy me everything!
Time to go to the store and buy some food and alcohol and make a toast to your name!
Thank you very much. You get nothing for this tier. Just my thanks (and a smile and a new desire to work faster and sexual feelings towards you).
If you enjoy my free games, consider giving me an opportunity to get wasted!