Chernaya Rechka
114.09 из $ 343 собрано
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"This one was a winner from the first damn second. It`s easy to throw around «dark punk» and «goth punk» descriptors as soon as band plugs into a flanger and the vocalist tries to sing…but this shit is frigid and desperate in the best way imaginable. Sure, there`s usually a danceable rhythm driving the whole thing, and maybe the guitars are as much Edge as Sumner, but every single song on the demo is close to perfect. My copy also includes the tracks from the Сторона А (no complaints from me) which are ever so slightly more upbeat, but no more welcoming. ЧЕРНАЯ РЕЧКА sound like a band on an absolute mission – forceful, introverted and hopelessly infectious…I just shake my head at how perfect this is".
"Sometimes something is so well done, so on point, so....perfect, that you just listen with your mouth half open and wonder how simple human persons could have possibly done something exactly as things are supposed to be done. That's what happened when I started the Черная Речка (BLACK RIVER) tape. You can file it alongside your goth/dark/new wave/80s rock reincarnated as new millennium punk bands, and you won't be wrong, but I'm telling you that this band is doing something special. Two demos, both from 2014, are contained on my cassette, so you get ten songs....and every fukkn one of them is perfect. Listen to "Снег," and then listen to "Пропасть" and you will know that I am right. This band just turned my world on end, and I can't thank them enough".

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$ 2,29 в месяц
Музыка для меня - способ общения с миром. Благодаря ей со мной произошло много прекрасных событий и знакомств. Я давно хотел сделать сборник текстов о том, как были написаны песни ЧР, они - своеобразный дневник, который я вел все эти годы. Это не просто набор каких-то технических действий, не автоматизированный процесс, в него вплетены самые разные аспекты и обстоятельства, в которых я нахожусь в момент времени. Я напишу о каждом треке. Если вам это покажется интересным, буду чрезмерно рад.