обложка автора ArcherTime


Artist and DnD player in one bottle
1 771.91 из $ 2 275 собрано
To help the artist’s health treatment and support the creative process~

Об авторе

Greetings, adventurer! My name is Alexandra, but my friends call me Archer, or Arch for short. I’m an artist and a huge fan of fantasy genres and settings, especially Forgotten Realms - I love it a lot! 
Here you’ll be able to see different characters - my friends’ ones and the different commissions I draw, sometimes I make sketches with the episodes from past DnD sessions as well.
My partner and I create an original story about our DnD characters - it is my main source of inspiration, you’ll also be able to see them here quite often! Currently I’m in progress of making NC-21 comic story about them, with erotic elements, so you can make this process faster by supporting me here. All pages and work stages will be uploaded on this platform as exclusive content.
Thank you for your interest in my art and characters!
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You can also find me here:

Уровни подписки

✦ Bag of holding ✦

$ 1,14 в месяц
For your support, you’ll receive:
✧ Access to my sketches and WIPs
✧ Commission artworks
✧ Future YCH commision sketches and options

✦ Astromancy archive ✦

$ 4,6 в месяц
✧ Exclusive content: my comic pages and WIPs
✧ Sketch requests with my characters

✦ Grimoire Infinitus ✦

$ 11,4 в месяц
✧ Exclusive sketches: with your OCs or other character of your choice
✧ Eternal gratitude from me ~