обложка автора Dmitry Orlov

Dmitry Orlov

C l u b O r l o v | ideas to blow your mind
Dmitry Orlov
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Pour quelle raison les Ukrainiens se battent-ils ?
En résumé, ce pour quoi les Ukrainiens se battent, c'est la corruption.
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What are the Ukrainians fighting for?
To summarize, what the Ukrainians are fighting for is corruption.
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War and Punishment

"War and Punishment" is not just a great novel by a great Russian author Tolstoyevsky; it is also Russia's foreign policy. Suppose you ignite a war on Russia's border with the hopes of destroying Russia — and lose it. What do you suppose will happen to you next? Peace? No, you will be punished. Your punishment, for didactic purposes, could be separated into five categories: financial, economic, political, social and cultural:
• Financially — your banking institutions will be shunned and your currencies will be excluded from international circulation, depriving you of banking profits, the benefits of seignorage and the continued ability to run structural trade and fiscal deficits and to run up debts.
• Economically — you will pay double or quadruple for key resources without which your industry will be unable to function — resources such as natural gas, enriched uranium, titanium for aircraft manufacturing, rare earths and noble gases for semiconductor manufacturing and much else. This will cause your industry to shrivel up, in turn making it impossible to maintain your civilian and military infrastructure.
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It appears to me that the political punishment has already occurred, with gangsters and monsters running Ukraine.
Great piece Dimitry, I wish Russia every success in eliminating the western terrorists and nazis.
As a European that grew up loving Russian literature, whose favourite directors were Russian, and that came to respect Russian mathematicians, I am disgusted by this  Russophobia that consumes the elite classes, and I looks on in horror at the unfolding calamity that many of us feel powerless to change the course of.
I would love nothing more than to rid Europe of the malign influence of the US regime. There is one thing I am sure of, and that is that the European elite managerial class that makes up the captured Atlanticist governments of the EU are so incredibly out of step with the sentiments of the people that do not want conflict, and certainly do not want war. And even those that have been previously propagandised are starting to see sense.
I feat that there will be even more turmoil ahead of Europe as it tries to de-Nazify, or de-neoliberalise itself.
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Sorry Dmitry, I meant Nima Alkhorshid (Dialog Works).
As a sider I thought you'd like this one...the part on the G-7 political desapproval ratings :
Harfang67, von Geyerz is a one-trick pony: "Buy gold!" Why? "Because gold!"
Les États-Unis sont-ils à court de sanctions ?
Il existe une méthode de négociation internationale très efficace qui contourne parfaitement toutes les devises toxiques.
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Is the US out of Sanctions?
There is now an international trading method that circumvents toxic currencies and hostile banking institutions: crypto.
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Les Washingtoniens se dégonflent
Dans cette situation, les États-Unis n'ont qu'une chose à faire : se dégonfler.
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What a surprise!!  Not a peep out of the Western MSM regarding the Houthi's successful attack on the USS Dwight Eisenhower.  I'm glad you mentioned it.
danimi, Yes, the silence about the condition of the Eisenhower is deafening. Hmmmm.
An excellent interview, thank you. I have really enjoyed your interviews and posts, they have been very helpful and informative and your insights are greatly appreciated. Can I ask if you have written anything about Turkey especially in how Russia considers its relationship in light of the release of Azov leaders and the negotiations for the US to gain access to the Black Sea in return for their aircraft the F-16, which Turkey or rather Erdogan has been desperate for, for a number of years now and how you consider that relationship being maintained with the ever escalating actions by the West/NATO and at the least use of airbases in Turkey by the USA especially in terms of intelligence gathering and at worst possibly being used as strike bases by the US or it’s allies? Do you think how Erdogan has dealt with the situation in Gaza and his rhetoric compared to his actions is typical of how he treats Russia? Thanks again 🙏
Washingtonians Chicken Out
Sure, they will cluck and crow and preen and strut just the same, making it hard to tell that they are chickening out — but they will.
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What do you think Putin should do in regard to NATO crossing Russias redlines . If he does nothing and gives the impression that Russia is a NATO punching bag  surely the provocations will continue
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Pamela Storer, Russia's military might is also quite focused on completely destroying the US, as is China's, North Korea's and Iran's. It's just that the US is doing a bang-up job of destroying itself with minimal additional damage (except to the Ukrainians, of course).
Dmitry, I would like to ask you a question. I have been refreshing - albeit having to use Western sources - the various attacks made on Russia by so-called "European" countries - Poland, Sweden, France, France Turkey and England, Germany etc.  And all these Western reports claim that Russia was "thoroughly beaten" in the Crimean War, by UK and France. Now, when I went to school, we learned that both sides pretty much fought each other to a stalemate and agreed to end it.  Since the English and French were backing Turkeys claim to the Crimea, but it is Russian, I would have said that, on balance, since their aim was not achieved, that Russia won it, if barely.  What would you say - what does Russia regard as the conclusion to this attack on her? Its a frustration for me, all books on Russian history outside Russia are Western - and I dont trust a word they say. Do you know of a good Russian written Russian History book in English?? thanks.
Pamela Storer, I don't now of any good history books in English. This doesn't mean that they don't exist; just not worth my bother to look for any. As far as Crimean war, yes, it was fought to a stalemate and Crimea remains Russian.

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