creator cover Dmitry Orlov

Dmitry Orlov

C l u b O r l o v | ideas to blow your mind
Dmitry Orlov
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Nima's funniest and most deadly serious contributor all in one.
Yes, CAPITULATION, the sooner the better for most of us in the USA.
Are the European Turkeys ready for Thanksgiving?
А simple question: "Should I reject Satan and all his demons, his works, his rituals and his pride?"
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A Lame Duck in Waiting
Experience irrefutably shows: inequality, be it in society, the state, or in the international arena, inevitably leads to bad consequences.
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During the US election count I heard the US president repeatedly being referred to as “the leader of the free world”. It must come as a shock to Russians to be told that there is a “free world” and they’re not part of it. Just another example of the West still being stuck in Cold War thinking I suppose. Or another example of the West committing suicide by reality denial. Either way …. objective reality always wins. ThinkingFace
Jack Malley, I think "Emperor of the Galaxy" sounds better.
Recently started following. In light of all this what is someone in the US, particularly a young person, supposed to do? Sounds like one might as well give up on life and start wasting away on drugs every single day until the inevitable (and perhaps freeing) dirt nap. Doesn't seem like there is a point, particularly after reading the "American Egregore" article.
Midwinter Soliloquy, there is always a point provided you can come up with it yourself. Why would you expect your silly country to come up with it for you?
Qu'adviendra-t-il de l'égrégore américain ?
Si elle est élue et inaugurée, elle risque de souffrir d'un dysfonctionnement de la garde-robe de l'égrégore, si l'on peut dire.
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What shall become of the American Egregore?
Kamala Harris, if elected and inaugurated, is likely to suffer an egregoric wardrobe malfunction, if you will.
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Chaos incontrôlé
L'âge sombre américain qui s'ensuivra constituera une étude de cas intéressante pour les recherches futures.
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Excellent; appreciated in particular the precision brought on "Morality in interlational relations" was destroyed by the US and how Putin & Xi work for their own population....
Nice post!
Le plan de paix et de trahison de Zelensky
L'OTAN doit abandonner l'idée de considérer la Russie comme un adversaire stratégique.
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Zelensky's Peace/Betrayal Plan
Meanwhile, the Russian steamroller rolls on: another day, another two thousand dead Ukrainian soldiers and another 1000-1500 km2 liberated.
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