Digital Dreams (Generative AI)
Digital Dreams (Generative AI)
0 of $ 1 673 money raised
Я хочу купить видеокарту nVidia RTX или аналогичную по мощности, чтобы быстрее рендерить любительские видео в нейронной сети Stable Diffusion!


The ninth video episode of the neural anime music video On the verge of death On the verge of love
Level required:
Subscribe to neurogenerator sites

Subscription levels

For food and medicine, and couriers

$ 0,56 per month
Help me pay extra to buy food and medicine

Subscribe to neurogenerator sites

$ 5,6 per month
Help me co-fund the cost of subscriptions to online content generation services!

nVidia RTX graphics card or similar

$ 56 per month
For rendering in Stable Diffusion on a personal computer, to speed up the generation of video chunks.

To a foreign VISA\MC card

$ 558 per month
you can help me raise money to sign up for a card and pay for a $76 monthly premium account on RunWayML!
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