creator cover Digital Dreams (Generative AI)

Digital Dreams (Generative AI)

Neural multimedia producer
Digital Dreams (Generative AI)
0 of $ 1 673 money raised
Я хочу купить видеокарту nVidia RTX или аналогичную по мощности, чтобы быстрее рендерить любительские видео в нейронной сети Stable Diffusion!

About the creator

Welcome to the page of the neural multimedia studio “Digital Dreams”.
I generate neural textual/graphic/audio/video materials and then process them.
I compose positive queries for video and graphics generators based on “artificial intelligence”, I record synthetic speech and vocals (including from regular TTS), I have access to neural music and text generation capabilities based on StableDiffusion \ GPTchat.
In my work I use both the resources of my computer and all sorts of Internet sites and Telegram channels.
The main direction of my activity is creation of short music videos for other people's and my own tracks (including tracker music).
On the video above - examples of works from last year.
The design of the page uses generation from neural network https://hotpot.ai/logo-generator.
(© 2024 Panabee, LLC. All rights reserved.)
And the neural network on the site:
(Deep AI, Inc. ©)
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Subscription levels

For food and medicine, and couriers

$ 0,56 per month
Help me pay extra to buy food and medicine

Subscribe to neurogenerator sites

$ 5,6 per month
Help me co-fund the cost of subscriptions to online content generation services!

nVidia RTX graphics card or similar

$ 56 per month
For rendering in Stable Diffusion on a personal computer, to speed up the generation of video chunks.

To a foreign VISA\MC card

$ 558 per month
you can help me raise money to sign up for a card and pay for a $76 monthly premium account on RunWayML!
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