creator cover evgnm


self-taught artist and graphic designer
0 of $ 280 money raised

About the creator

Hello! Ev here!
I do graphic design things sometimes. I also do writing, just a bit. But for the most part, I'm known as a self-taught artist who draws quite different things (or at least tries to).
I decided to open my page here so that you would have the opportunity to support me financially. And, of course, so that potential customers would have at least some way to pay real money for commissioned artworks. ^^;
I don't know yet if I'll use this page as Patreon-like or just as a way to pay for comms (or donate), but anyways, you're always welcome here. :)
Also, feel free to check my other social outlets. You can find the link to them under profile picture. :)

How to pay/donate?

The thing I want to point out right away: Boosty, although it is predominantly a service that is popular in the Russian-speaking community and has some connections with Russian companies, is registered outside of Russia. So your money is safe and won't go where it shouldn't. Please, take a look on the Terms of use, and especially on the paragraphs 9.1. and 10.1. if you don't believe me.
Now, the guide...
1. If you don't speak Russian, change the language if Boosty shows a Russian-languaged pages. Language select is placed on the bottom (mobile ver) or top right corner (PC ver) of page.
2. After that, visit my page. If you're already there, find a Goals section. There will be a big orange "Donate" button. Click on it.
3. Next, you will see the ways to log in to the site. I'd highly recommend to log in with your Google account because it would be easier, but it's up to you.
4. After logging in, you will be redirected back to my page. Look for that "Donate" button again. Find the "Choose how much to pay" and enter amount of payment in Russian Rubles. Before that, look for dollar-/euro-/*your exchange*-to-rouble exchange in Google, because it (obviously) always changes.
5. Next, you will be redirected to the payment method selection window. Choose the method of payment what you'd like to use more, bank card or PayPal. It depends on what is more convenient for you.
6. After that, continue with bank card or PayPal.
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Commission/Donate Info

Terms of Service (for comms)
- Payments via Boosty only (which accepts payments via PayPal). Other ways to pay, however, are possible.*
- No refunds, because Boosty doesn't have an ability to send money back. However, compensation in the form of another artwork is possible.*
- Payment must be made either upon completion of the sketch (in the case of a lineart comm) or the lineart (in the case of comm from the rest of the list). Revisions and redraws of some details of the artwork are free except some cases.*
- The Stoplist, aka "I will decline a request right away if it has...": NSFW/p*rn, fetishes, hateful meanings, heavily injured or killed characters, extremely complex designs.
- I have a right to decline a request and tell you the reason why I did that.
- The rights to the image belong first and foremost to the artist. This means that I have the right to use the artwork for my portfolio, but you have to ask permission to use the artwork for your own purposes (e.g. commercial ones).
- The use of commission artworks without crediting, as well as NFT and AI usage is strictly forbidden. The client will be blacklisted if this rule is violated. And this list will be public.
- Unlisted commission items (for example, logos) will be discussed in the DMs. The same goes for discussing the price of such work.
* - DM me to know more details about pointed out things.
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