Andrey Moss
Andrey Moss
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Slavic goddess and my Collection no.6

"Nothing is as tedious as the limping days,
When snowdrifts yearly cover all the ways,
And ennui, sour fruit of incurious gloom,
Assumes control of fate’s immortal loom"

- Charles Baudelaire
Moving like the northern lights she dominates, inspiring terror to all living beings, triumphant in the distant forest thickets. But by the end of her short reign, she returns to her gloomy refuge, so as not to see how ordinary mortals burn her effigies to celebrate the arrival of the long-awaited spring.. Until next winter, she is a prisoner of four stone walls, surrounded by dead roses and melancholic poetry..
Morana is a mythical creature from fairy tales, Slavic goddess associated with winter's death and rebirth, whose alluring image I chose to show the latest pieces created for my sixth collection.
Discover the 'Morana' story here

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