Andrey Moss
Andrey Moss
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Back to the gypsy that I was.. Behind the 'Esméralda' story.

"I wanted to see you again, touch you, know who you were, see if I would find you identical with the ideal image of you which had remained with me and perhaps shatter my dream with the aid of reality."
Passion for French history and literature draws me further and further along my path of creativity. Exploring the images of women in culture, after my last year's story called 'Temple' and Collection no.7 dedicated to the French Revolution, I jumped even further back a couple of centuries into a world full of innuendo, mysticism and primitive cruelty, covered with chivalric romance..
It all started with a deck of tarot cards called Sola Busca which became a kind of guide for me to this strange world of the Middle Ages..
But when in my library my eyes fell on "Notre-Dame de Paris" by Victor Hugo, everything became crystal clear. The image of this gypsy woman is completely unique in world literature. So it was she who became the new heroine for me in this creative tape, in this three-year project dedicated to sophisticated and unique women. Not a bad continuation of this project after Marie Antoinette, isn't it?..
But if you haven't read the book yet, start your acquaintance with the film by Jean Delanoy.  
As always, these are only my feelings, my interpretation, which can only be partly connected with reality. It doesn’t matter what exactly you do as an artist, but what matters is what you think about during creation.. After last year’s story, where the theme of the Last Judgment is the thread that holds it together, I decided to turn to the other side, to dark matter and the interpersonal relationship between man and the devil. To a woman who is free to command her own destiny, even if that destiny also ends in death..
"At the moment when her eyes closed, when all feeling vanished in her, she thought that she felt a touch of fire imprinted on her lips, a kiss more burning than the red-hot iron of the executioner." 
Discover the 'Esméralda' story here

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